Adršpach Rock Town
The first rock formation which is called the Indian is located by the Skalní město Hotel. A linden tree alley leads to the self-guided trail loop that starts at ticket counter number 1 (near the Lesní zátiší Hotel) or at the ticket counter number 2 by the information center opposite the train stop.
 Sugar Loaf (Homole cukru) The first distinct rock on the loop is the Rock Guardian (Strážce skal). Eagle Nest (Orlí hnízdo) and one of the most beautiful formations - the Jug (Džbán) follow. The shape of the jug handle resembles a dolphin. On the right there is Giant's Armchair (Krakonošova lenoška) followed immediately by Grandma's Armchair (Babiččina lenoška). A small bridge that spans the Metuje River leads to the upside-down standing Sugar Loaf (Homole cukru). Especially children visitors enjoy providing the rock some support with sticks leaning against the foot of the rock. The loop then makes a turn and the fork to Řeřichová Gorge features Organ (Varhany) and Helmet (Helmice) on the right. The loop continues to the left past Knight's Helmet (Rytířská přilbice) which is visible only when one turns his/her head around. The open space that follows is called Outskirts (Předměstí) and features two interesting formations - Glove (Rukavice) and Twins in Swaddling Clothes (Dvojčata v peřince).
 Guillotine Right behind Glove (Rukavice) the rock mass leaves only a narrow passage for Gothic Gate (Gotická branka) that used to serve as the entrance into the Rock Town. Long Passage (Dlouhá chodba) and Elephant Square (Sloní náměstí) follow. Then one comes to Lover (Milenka) and Giant's Bedroom (Krakonošova ložnice), further on the left high on the slope there are Carpet (Koberec) and Mushroom (Hříbek). After Ten (Desatero) one reaches an open space with Tooth (Zub), Devil's Bridge (Čertův most) and on the left Eliška - one of highest rock towers. Then one passes Thunder Rock (Hromový kámen) that is followed by several interesting formations situated on the right - Small Madonna (Madonka), Dwarf (Trpaslíček) and Lioness (Lvice). This part of the loop is concluded by Small Square (Malé náměstí), Silver Spring (Stříbrný pramen) and Waterfall (Malý vodopád).
 Great Panorama On the right there is a turn to Great Waterfall (Velký vodopád) and St. Wenceslas'Crown (Svatováclavská koruna). One ascends the stairs that date back to 1820 to get to the look-out to see Beránek (Sheep) and the rock panorama with a Cossack (Donský kozák). There is a Johann Wolfgang Goethe's bust commemorating the writer's visit before the entrance into the dome with the Great Waterfall.
 Starostová a starosta A romantic lake is situated above the Waterfall. Boat rides are available. The loop returns to Small Square (Malé náměstí) and continues to the right past Powder Toner (Prašná brána) to the Castle (Skalní hrad) offering the best view of Lovers (Milenci) - the highest and the most beautiful rock formation in the region. At the foot of the formation there is a small rock chapel that commemorates the rock climbers who spent their lives exploring the local rock towns. The loop then leads to a look-out over the Řeřichová Gorge where one can see Lovers'Mountain (Milenecká hora), Rock Castle (Skalní hrad) and the two towers of Guillotine (Gilotina). Turtle (Želva) and Sugar Mill Chimney (Cukrovar) follow. On the left there is St. Stephen's Crown (Štěpánská koruna) and Mayor and His Wife (Starosta a starostová). The loop then winds through a very narrow passage called Mouse Hole (Myší díra) and descends to Giant's Piano (Krakonošovo piano). The whole loop is then concluded by Echo (Ozvěna) where French horns were played in 1783 for the tourists to enjoy the echo that may sound repeatedly as many as seven times.
 Echo The loop can be concluded by taking a walk past the former Sand Quarry that is nowadays naturally inundated by underground springs. Boat rides are available here. Tourists coming from the Information Center ester the Rock Town at the ticket counter number 2. |